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Dean's Suite Re-design

  Design Challenge: To improve way-finding, update decor, and improve functionality of the public areas of the Dean's Suite at Auburn University's College of Architecture, Design and Construction.


  The stated goal was to promote CADC as a Globally relevant school in all its aspects. The qualities she sought to convey to visitors who come to CADC is that the education here creates professionals that are 'confident, rigorous, and passionate.'

  Implementation research required evaluation of architectural documents and careful validation of measurements for public spaces and for mechanical areas.


  As a team leader, I coordinated the research and validation of these interior spaces, followed by accurate 2-D reconstructions of the area.

  Concepts for this project involved both an investigation of other design and architecture schools and an exploration of how to best implement way-finding.


  Led the 3-D construction of a 1:12 scale architectural model for testing presentations of concepts for modernizing and enhancing displays and work spaces in the public areas.


  I prototyped a redesigned conference table, taking into consideration human factors, A/V display requirements, and available space utilization.


  Contributed to the Graphic Design team branding and way-finding efforts, and incorporated these ideas into the presentation to the dean.

  Solutions: The dean used my scale model in her presentation to the University, and embraced the branding and way-finding for immediate implementation, with plans to update furnishings and decor.

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